Testimonial from a couple that recently used this curriculum:
Last June, my husband and I started an outreach to kids in a small town near us that had no ministry to kids. Our desire was to teach chronologically thru the Bible, as most of them did not have much previous knowledge of the Bible. We bounced around between several different curriculum, trying to find something that would fit our needs.
In February, ABWE missionaries, Dave and Glorianne Levy, came to our church for our Missions Emphasis weekend and did the Good Soil Seminar. Their materials were just what we had been looking for!!! We were so excited about using The Story of Hope Kids. The COVID shutdown halted our plans for the rest of the spring, but we continued making plans for when everything would open back up again. In July, we were able to host a Vacation Bible School in the park using The Greatest Bridge Adventure. It was a great adventure for sure! We had a good turnout of kids, and they were all very interested and engaged in the lessons and activities. We felt like we were able to lay a solid foundation with the brief overview of God's Big Story by teaching the truths of the Chronobridge.
We are now looking forward to continue building on that foundation by teaching thru the Adventures in the Story of Hope as we continue to meet once a week with them in the park. We love the vibrant, realistic illustrations and the very obvious redemptive thread that weaves thru the whole story.
Thank you for providing such great tools for sharing the gospel!!
Jason & Jennie Busenitz