A Life Story from Saigon

How do you share the gospel with someone who doesn't even know what a Bible is? Steve Deal, missionary and founder of Asian Children's Foundation, Inc., has been able to use the resources he learned about, while attending a Good Soil Evangelism and Discipleship seminar, to share the gospel message with people he meets, to the praise and glory of God!
Steve was on a flight from Saigon to Bangkok last summer when he was seated next to a lady named Hanh. After they had chatted for a while, Steve asked Hanh if she was familiar with the storyline of the Bible. "What's a Bible?" Hanh responsed. Steve then proceeded to show her his Bible and then used The Story of Hope app on his phone to explain to Hanh 20 major events from God's big story from Genesis to Revelation. Intrigued by the beautiful pictures, Hanh expressed great interest in learning more about God's redemptive story, revealed in the Bible. Steve told Hanh that he could give her a hardcopy of The Story of Hope in English the next time he visited Saigon, and they exchanged contact information.
Since their initial encounter, Steve has been able to return and visit with Hanh on a few occasions. When Steve returned to Saigon the following month, he delivered the promised copy of The Story of Hope and introduced Hahn to his daughter Tina, as well as a local pastor and his wife. After a few months, Steve visited Saigon again and was able to meet with Hanh, his daughter Tina, and his granddaughter Chinh for dinner. Hanh continued to show interest in learning more about God's Word, and Tina continued building her friendship with Hanh and sharing with her The Story of Hope.
The following January, Steve was able to return to Saigon and met Tina and Hanh again for dinner. As they sat down to eat, Steve handed a Bible to Hanh and said, "Hanh, THIS is a BIBLE! And it's in your native language." He also gave her the newly translated Vietnamese copy of The Story of Hope. While Hanh flipped through the pages, their waiter showed interest in the pictures in The Story of Hope. After a brief conversation in Vietnamese with the waiter, whose name was Peter, Hanh turned to Steve and said, "Sir, he is very interested in this material and wants a copy." Steve said, "Give it to him and I will send my granddaughter to my hotel room for more." Hanh was so happy for Peter, while Steve's granddaughter was getting the extra copies, she took the initiative to show him in detail on her cell phone how to download the free app of TSOH.
Following their meal, Steve continued sharing the gospel with Hanh using the events from The Story of Hope. Steve concluded by covering the eight essential truths from the ChronoBridge (God, Man, Sin, Death, Christ, Cross, Faith, Life) at the end of The Story of Hope. We praise the Lord that Hanh decided to put her faith and trust in Jesus Christ as her Savior that evening! Steve and his family prayed a prayer of thanksgiving with Hanh and enjoyed a wonderful evening together with their new sister in CHRIST.
Steve is thankful to those who prayed for Hanh's salvation. Steve and his daughter Tina hope to disciple Hanh using the Good Soil discipleship book called The Way to Joy, which is his next translation project for the Vietnamese and Burmese. Steve was able to get Peter's mobile number and plans to visit him on his next trip to Saigon for follow up.
May the Lord help all who are followers of Christ to have the burden for lost souls and give them the initiative to reach out to a world in desperate need of the Savior.
The Story of Hope is available in many languages and is a wonderful tool to share the gospel or to disciple believers in homes, in churches, one-on-one, or in small groups. To learn more, visit http://www.goodsoil.com/tsoh
To learn more about the ChronoBridge and the Eight Essential Truths that emerge out of the Bible's Story of Hope, you can download the PDF at http://www.goodsoil.com/docs/about/ChronoBridge.pdf.
To download The Story of Hope Condensed app for FREE, visit http://www.goodsoil.com/resources/the-story-of-hope-condensed-app