Biblically - What "Drives" Good Soil? Bible-Based Evangelism and Discipleship
A visual model that illustrates how Good Soil E&D training and resources are related to core Biblical concepts. →
A visual model that illustrates how Good Soil E&D training and resources are related to core Biblical concepts. →
While many pastors and leaders would say that evangelism and discipleship are indispensable in the church, few could articulate their plan for the same. In the introduction to this blog series, the author reveals the truths that many have never been discipled and most aren’t involved in evangelism and discipleship, as he begins his call for a change. →
Pastor Pete discovers that his missionary friend, Jerry, is involved in first, second, and third level discipleship as he develops leaders for his church plant and beyond. Surprised, he asks what it all means. Jerry then explains how he make disciples through “on-the-job training” which he learned from Jesus, Barnabas, and Paul’s ministries. →
Pete, convinced that he should be discipling leaders, wants to get the deacons on board. So he takes them through an interactive Bible study to help them understand not only that they be making disciples, but also the purpose(s) behind disciple-making. →
Although Pete and the leadership of the church are convinced they need to make disciples, they are struggling with how. On a visit to Italy, Jerry’s field of service, he learns that Good Soil Evangelism & Discipleship could help. Pete is skeptical at first, but learns that Good Soil is not a “one-size-fits-all” approach. Jerry explains Good Soil’s philosophy and tells stories about how it is being used effectively in several locations around the world. →
To a still skeptical Pete, Jerry tells some of Good Soil E&D’s history, including what led to its beginnings. He then goes on to share some research done in three different venues. The research and anecdotal evidence show that the training Good Soil does and the resources they provide have made a difference in the in people’s lives when it comes to evangelism and discipleship. →
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