Back Porch Bible Stories

I wanted to tell you of the good things the Lord is doing in the lives of my children and their friends.
Summer 2016
I was blessed in my studying, prepping, and teaching The Story of Hope - Kids this summer to 20 kids on the back porch of my house. I taught the kids (ages 5-12) for about an hour and fifteen minutes straight. And I did not have to ask the kids to listen or be quiet, even one time, throughout the entire week!
I prayed for this to happen, as there was a lot of material to cover and the kids came from a wide variety of backgrounds. Some of the kids who attended had never heard about Jesus or the Bible before. We did a lot of reviewing each day. By the second and third days, all the kids were enthusiastically retelling in great detail all the stories they learned from Day 1.
On the last day, I had a couple other born-again Christian adults come to our class to speak with the kids, one or two kids at a time. This time was set aside so that the kids could ask any questions they had from the Bible stories and about what Jesus did for us. We were careful to not coerce the kids into making a decision, but were very intentional in being sure they understood what it meant to place their faith in Jesus Christ. If they had never made that sincere faith response, we explained that they could do so then and there, if they truly wanted to. Four children accepted Jesus as their Savior, based on what they learned through the study of The Story of Hope.
I look forward to doing this again in the future, Lord willing. Thanks to everyone who had a hand in developing this curriculum. I attend Lebanon Valley Bible Church in Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Pastor Chandler Cutting introduced me to this resource and I am so glad he did.
Summer 2017
I truly love using The Story of Hope resources for kids! I thought I'd share how great it was to use them again this summer. I had 24 kids again for one week in June and did the same format as last year. One child came up and was so happy to tell me how she trusted Jesus Christ as her Savior. I think this was on the 3rd day. What a joy! There are so many distortions of the gospel out there and I am appreciative of the time and work that was put into making this presentation of God's plan of redemption so clear and easy to share through Story of Hope - Kids!
The kids begged me to do this again next summer. They said they loved learning about God’s story of hope, even more than swimming! Wow! It was very encouraging!
-Katie Robertson

The Story of Hope - Kids Edition
The Story of Hope Kids: Discovering the Provision in God's Plan is a full color adaptation of the adult-level book. It is visually designed and language level adapted for kids, ages (approximately) 8-12. The Story of Hope Kids contains the same core content as the adult-level version: 40 key event-lessons for teaching and learning the Bible's big redemptive story and the Chronological Bridge to Life (ChronoBridge). A full page is dedicated to each of the 40 Bible event-lessons, allowing space for kids to write down the answers to the questions. This 64 page workbook also includes fun Bible map learning activities.
The Story of Hope Kids is designed for kids to read and work through by themselves. But this is also a Bible teaching resource that parents and ministry workers may want to use to lead children through (especially with younger children or children with lower-level reading skills). The studies of God's redemptive plan and the ChronoBridge are designed to teach/clarify the gospel of Jesus Christ to children and lead them to a personal faith response or to clarify a faith response they may have made previously.
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