Christmas Evangelism – Ten Creative Ideas

The Christmas season should be the easiest time of the year for us to share the good news of Jesus Christ with our friends, family, and neighbors. But, all too often, the busyness of the season suppresses our passion for sharing the true meaning of Christmas with people who need to know it and might be hungry to hear it. Even in a post-Christian culture that has secularized Jesus out of Christmas, there are still many creative ways to non-offensively introduce people to the REAL story beneath the commercialized story. Here are ten of them. 

How Can I Share My Faith at Work?

Kudos to you for asking this question, for two reasons: First, as a committed follower of Jesus Christ, sharing your faith is an obligation inherent in becoming His disciple. Second, the very fact that you are asking the question is an indication that you want to share your faith in an honorable way that does not offend your employer or co-workers. Bottom line, it largely depends on your employer’s policies and the nature of the kind of work you do. But, there are some other important things to consider. 

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