Cambodia: Floating Village and Training Pastors & Teachers Good Soil ministry in Cambodia

Gil and Denise had the amazing opportunity to take a boat ride on Tonle Sap Lake to a floating village and preach there. This lake, which swells to six times its size during the rainy season, is the home of Vietnamese refugees and Cambodians who don’t have legal documents and thus, cannot own land. Thousands of people live in “villages” formed by boats occupied by people who work and live together.

On Sunday, after the two-hour trip on choppy water in a small boat filled with 30 people, a somewhat waterlogged Gil stepped onto the “church” boat and was asked to preach to the group. After snacking on snake and a few other specialties, the worship started, and people took their places sitting on the floor of the boat. What a privilege to preach God’s Word to this group of faithful people!

On the following day, Gil taught a seminar entitled Moving Beyond Lecture to 84 pastors and church leaders from all around Cambodia. Then, the next day, Gil taught BibleStorying, a seminar created to teach how to learn and tell Bible stories effectively. The group responded well to the new principles of teaching and telling stories they learned during the two days they spent together in a church