Multiplying Storytellers in Nicaragua
ABWE missionaries Traci Warner and Carmen Heffner began a Bible study with about 18 women from a local Nicaraguan church, walking them through The Story of Hope. →
ABWE missionaries Traci Warner and Carmen Heffner began a Bible study with about 18 women from a local Nicaraguan church, walking them through The Story of Hope. →
What is sometimes called “evangelism” or “witnessing” can be as easy and simple as telling your story—the story of what Jesus Christ has done in your life. Some people refer to this as an "evangelistic testimony," but we call it your personal “faith story.” Here’s how to develop and share your story of faith in a way that your unsaved friends and other acquaintances (even strangers) will enjoy hearing it. →
But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop. (Luke 8:15 – NIV) If the ultimate “soil test” is whether or not a professing believer retains (“holds fast to”) the word he or she has embraced, can we do anything to help assure that lasting retention occurs? Or, is that simply a personal heart-issue over which we have no influence? →
"In my 40 years of ministry, I can honestly say that I have had more success than ever before in seeing fruit that remains – and also, fruit that is bearing more fruit – through using Good Soil training and resources.” -Steve Deal →
The Lycée Scientifique, a special government school in Togo, is home to the top 120 high school students in science and math. These students represent different tribal groups and religions from all over the country. Togo missionary Jane Schmitz had a yearning to reach them with the gospel. After much prayer, she approached the principal of the school and offered a class on The Story of Hope in French. Jane has always had a heart for evangelism and discipleship, and she was a part of the original group that helped launch Good Soil. The principal responded very favorably to the idea, since the materials being used were a study of the Bible, not a religion. →
Is repentance a separate step to salvation that precedes genuine belief in Christ? Or, are repentance and faith simultaneous responses to God—flip sides of the same heart-action? →
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