Talip (“Disciple”), Former Muslim Father Becomes a True Disciple

“I was raised in a mosque school. I don’t know the Bible. Can you help me?” Talip, a former Muslim into his late twenties, had been saved a few years earlier but was never discipled. He and his family had joined a church in South Africa where ABWE missionary David Drullinger serves. They had developed a friendship and he was now concerned about his lack of Bible knowledge and understanding. He was challenged by all that his two children were learning in Sunday school and confessed that he was limited in his capacity to build into the lives of his kids. Understanding the role God’s Word expected of him, he wanted to be able disciple his own children, yet was keenly aware of his inability to do so.

David suggested they begin with a study of The Story of Hope, a workbook that is great for teaching the Bible’s big redemptive story and understanding the essential “eternal life or death truths” that emerge from that story. Talip eagerly and diligently committed to several hours a week with David as they studied and grew together. As they worked their way through the 40 bible events, Talip’s comprehension blossomed as he quickly grasped the key story line. At one point he exclaimed, “I didn’t know that was in the Bible!” Along with the study, Talip resolved to memorize the books of the Bible. He challenged his kids to do the same. After concluding their study of The Story of Hope, David and Talip began a study of The Way to Joy, a leader-guided, foundational discipleship, study book. Talip’s confidence grew and he was eager to pass on what he was learning with his family.
Talip became the spiritual leader he so much wanted to be for his family. His adolescent children have followed their dad’s example, made public professions of faith, and are diligent in their study of Scripture and spiritual growth. Within a few years, Talip’s spiritual maturity was recognized by his church family as well, who elected him to serve on the leadership team. He exhibits the spiritual gift of mercy and is keen to visit those in the hospital, the elderly, shut-ins and those under hospice care. He usually takes one of his kids with him on these visits, teaching them the virtues of compassion and care.

Talip serves as a firefighter at the main fire station in the area. His clear testimony as a follower of Jesus among his teammates is evident during his shifts. Ironically, the meaning of Talip, an Arabic name chosen by his grandmother, is disciple. Through his study of God’s word using The Story of Hope, Talip gained the knowledge, self-assurance, and courage to become a diligent disciple of Jesus Christ and is faithfully passing that on to others.