The Story of Hope in Afghanistan

One of our Good Soil Seminar graduates is now (2012) a chaplain with the U.S. Army deployed to Afghanistan. A few months ago he asked us to send him 50 copies of The Story of Hope, saying “I’m excited about the prospect of using The Story of Hope, because many of my soldiers are religiously conscious but do not truly understand the gospel.
Deployment provides a unique window of spiritual awareness that I want to fully engage ….” He received the books and started a study that’s very well attended (and armed!) as you can see in the picture! In a very recent update the chaplain informed us that two of the soldiers in the unit he ministers to were killed. This is just another harsh reminder of the urgency of the task before all of us, to clearly proclaim God’s story of hope before it’s too late. Please be in prayer for chaplains and the service members they are working with, that they may grow in their understanding of the true gospel through this study and come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ.