To Asia and Back: Using Good Soil Resources

Local church pastor, Ron Berrus, who helped to develop The Story of Hope writes about some neat experiences he has had recently in using the Good Soil resources...
I trained an East Asian church elder in The Story of Hope last spring and in the summer their church in the US reached out to many Asian students at a local campus and eight came to Christ and were baptized before returning to their homeland. Thanks to all those who have worked so hard in making translations available in other languages!

In a recent overseas trip, I gave a group of 23 house church pastors in a distant nation in Central Asia six copies each of The Story of Hope and The Way to Joy in their native language. They were so excited to have these resources and have asked us to return to do more training with these tools. The excitement was palpable!
I am presently taking a family of five from a central African nation through The Story of Hope every week, and they are so encouraged and excited about all they are learning. The story is really coming together for them and they are “getting it” more and more each week. My wife finished taking two ladies through this same study. One of the ladies was a former Catholic who found it so enlightening as she realized, “All those stories are really one story..." and it’s all about Jesus!
We love using this tool!