Parents and Grandparents

Our first “Great Commission” is to teach our children to love the Lord.

In Deuteronomy 6, we’re taught to teach God’s Word to our children. Many parents and grandparents have found Good Soil Evangelism & Discipleship helpful in fulfilling their calling to teach their children and grandchildren.

Hero parents and grandparents

The Story of Hope - Kids

The Story of Hope - Kids workbook is a chronological Bible study for kids, approximately ages 8-12. It is designed to help kids understand the BIG story of redemption, from Genesis through Revelation—a perspective that very few other ministry resources provide for children. The workbook contains one page for each of 40 Bible-event lessons, including an image from the Good Soil Redemptive Art Series and questions that get kids digging into the Bible texts for themselves. Also, the Chronological Bridge to Life is presented in an eight-page sequence. There's a Personal Faith Response page too.

Questions and map activities engage kids to read and think, rather than just rotely memorize. This workbook is bright and colorful and beautifully illustrated.

64 pages, Plastic Coil Bound

One lady who went to Sunday school as a child, but never truly trusted Jesus as her Savior, was being led through an evangelistic Bible study based on the adult version of The Story of Hope. She commented:

Why didn't they teach the Bible like this to me when I was in Sunday school? If they had done so, I might have understood it and become a true believer.

Kids Sing

The Story of Hope

Twelve songs to accompany the study of The Story of Hope - Kids. Created to help kids understand and remember the Bible events in the workbook, as well as the eight chronological gospel concepts.

Two-CD set; one CD with voices; other, soundtrack only.

Kids Worship

The God of the Big Story

Twelve songs, including "The God of the Big Story," "Come Let Us Sing," "Shout for Joy," "Transcendent God," "We Believe," "Tell the World of Jesus," "Doxology 21," and others.

Single CD - sung by ensemble of kids.

I have been thinking for a while about what to do for Lent this year and I long to use these 40 days to prepare both my heart and my family for the celebration of Resurrection Sunday. As I was thinking and praying about it, I really wanted something that would bring us through the full story of the Bible pointing to Christ. I remembered The Story of Hope from Good Soil that we had picked up at ABWE when we were down there for the Medical Missions Interface last summer. It has 40 stories from the Bible focusing on God’s redemptive plan. We are excited to go through it as a family over these 40 days.

Sonja, wife of a medical student and mother of four children

We all want to share our faith effectively…but how do we do it?

The Way to Joy - Kids

A basic discipleship Bible study workbook for kids, approximately ages 8-12. If your child or grandchild has made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ, the next step obviously is discipleship. If you have not done so already, we recommend that you take him or her through The Story of Hope - Kids. But the next step beyond that would be The Way to Joy - Kids.

The Way to Joy - Kids includes ten lessons on basic truths that every young believer needs to know and some key spiritual disciplines that every Christian needs to practice. It is bright, it is colorful, it is beautifully illustrated with images that kids relate to. And, it includes a Bible reading and prayer journal to accompany the weeks of the discipleship study.

64 pages, Plastic Coil Bound

Reflections from God’s Story of Hope

The Big Story of the Bible in a Book That Looks Good on Your Coffee Table

Reflections unfolds the storyline of the Bible through 50 Old Testament and 50 New Testament events—from Genesis through Revelation. Children love the stories and learn the BIG Story of God's plan for our salvation.

  • 100 key Bible events organized by 25 major Bible eras.
  • 100 full-page Bible event images.
  • More than 200 pages, 9" x 12".
  • A Bible storybook for all—adults, children, Christians, or non-Christians.

$20 in Quantities of Eight or More - $40 for One Book, $30 each for Two

Thank you for the gift book, Reflections from God’s Story of Hope! It was easy to understand. We usually read two stories per day. Hanna (12), Caleb (9), and Sarah (6) were the ones who were able to stay focused on this book. Julia (3/4) listened from time to time, but, as expected, it was above her listening abilities!

From the kids: "We LOVED it. It was so awesome! It was epic-er than any book we have ever read." (they know “epic-er” isn’t a word, they just say it to drive mom crazy.)

A mother in the USA

Reflections - The Audio Experience

Watch a (2:36) video to see how the Reflections - The Audio Experience audio stories are correlated with the printed and visually illustrated stories in the Reflections from God's Story of Hope coffee table storybook, as well as The Bible's BIG Story Teaching Visuals.

The Bible's Big Story Teaching Visuals

The Bible's BIG Story Teaching Visuals - Set of 105

Set of 105 laminated, double-sided teaching visuals for teaching the Bible's redemptive story, from Genesis through Revelation.


Look Inside +

13.5" x 10.75" laminated printed teaching visuals. Key Bible event content on the back, event image on the front. 105 teaching visuals, 50 Old Testament, and 50 New Testament, plus five that work especially for ministry with Muslims. Great for teaching kids (and, adults too!) the BIG Story of the Bible that begins in Genesis and culminates in Revelation. Same images and key content as the Chronological Bible Cards—essentially big versions of those pocket-size cards. See below.

Chronological Bible Cards: Genesis — Revelation

ChronoBible Cards: Genesis-Revelation

A complete set of 135 pocket-size cards (4.5" x 3.375") for learning and reviewing the content and chronology of the Bible's Big Story.


Look Inside +

Great for family devotions!

These Chronological Bible Cards were created at the suggestion of a parent, who then used them to teach his sons 100 Bible events from the Bible's story of redemption.

Pocket-size cards for learning and reviewing 100 key Bible events as they appear chronologically from Genesis through Revelation. Each Bible event card contains an image from the Good Soil Redemptive Story art collection on the front and key content information on the back. 25 major Bible era cards and 10 Chronological Bridge to Life cards included.

Chronological Bridge to Life

Pocket & Purse Cards

Pocket-size cards for teaching children a simple summary of the Bible's BIG story of salvation, based on eight essential concepts that emerge chronologically from the beginning of the Bible until its end.


Children from age six (maybe even earlier) can learn this story well enough that they can share it with others. Great for use in family devotions with your kids or grandkids. Learn them - review them - share them, in evangelism and discipleship.

Hooks for Hanging the Bible’s Storyline

Every movie or novel has a storyline, a plot. The Bible too has a storyline that begins in the first verse of Genesis and is interwoven through its 66 books to the end of Revelation. The eight ChronoBridge to Life cards are one way to teach kids the Bible's storyline, but the 25 Bible Era "Hooks" cards makes it possible to teach them a more comprehensive overview of the Bible.

12 Old Testament Eras + 1 Intertestament Era + 12 New Testament Eras = 25 cards that help kids (and adults too!) think their way through the Bible.

Learn About Hooks and How to Teach Them

Mobile Apps - for Android & Apple

For parents to use with their kids and for kids to load on their own mobile devices. Great way to teach and review the events of the Bible's BIG Story and the eight chronological Bible concepts.

The Greatest Bridge Adventure Leader's Kit

A five-day curriculum for teaching kids the BIG Story of the Bible based on the Good Soil Chronological Bridge to Life: God - Man - Sin - Death - Christ - Cross - Faith - Life.

Designed to be used in Five-Day Clubs, Bible Camps, Children's Church, Released Time Classes, or even Vacation Bible Schools and various other children's ministries.

The Leader's Kit includes:

  • The Greatest Bridge Adventure Teacher's Guide
  • One set of Chronological Bridge to Life Teaching Visuals
  • One set of pocket-sized Chronological Bridge to Life Cards
  • The Greatest Bridge Adventure Music Video Flash Drive
  • Kids Sing the Story of Hope CD
  • One flip-chart book of missionary stories entitled Kubanka Kids
  • A copy of The Story of Hope Kids and The Way to Joy Kids which can be used in additional discipleship follow up
  • Online access to the Instructor's Resource Center which includes 3 music videos, daily skits, crafts, and more!

ChronoBridge Song (Chronological Bridge to Life) - Video Song (Preview)

Summarizes the BIG story of the Bible in eight words: God-Man-Sin-Death-Christ-Cross-Faith-Life (Full video = 1:36)

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Testimonial from a couple that recently used this curriculum:

Last June, my husband and I started an outreach to kids in a small town near us that had no ministry to kids. Our desire was to teach chronologically thru the Bible, as most of them did not have much previous knowledge of the Bible. We bounced around between several different curriculum, trying to find something that would fit our needs.

In February, ABWE missionaries, Dave and Glorianne Levy, came to our church for our Missions Emphasis weekend and did the Good Soil Seminar. Their materials were just what we had been looking for!!! We were so excited about using The Story of Hope Kids. The COVID shutdown halted our plans for the rest of the spring, but we continued making plans for when everything would open back up again. In July, we were able to host a Vacation Bible School in the park using The Greatest Bridge Adventure. It was a great adventure for sure! We had a good turnout of kids, and they were all very interested and engaged in the lessons and activities. We felt like we were able to lay a solid foundation with the brief overview of God's Big Story by teaching the truths of the Chronobridge.

We are now looking forward to continue building on that foundation by teaching thru the Adventures in the Story of Hope as we continue to meet once a week with them in the park. We love the vibrant, realistic illustrations and the very obvious redemptive thread that weaves thru the whole story.

Thank you for providing such great tools for sharing the gospel!!

Jason & Jennie Busenitz

For YOU as a Parent or Grandparent

To equip you for more effectively teaching your kids or grandkids.

Gaining Ground with Good Soil

Learn how to effectively share your faith with others, including your kids and other members of your family. You will enjoy the missionary story around which this book was created, as well as the very attractive colorfully and beautifully illustrated contents. And, buy some for the leaders of your church.

Did not have the opportunity of attending a Bible college, but sort of wish you did? Or, even if you are a Bible college or seminary graduate, you will learn a lot from The Roots of Faith, because of the unique way it was created. A chronological Bible study, built on 100 key events in the Bible's BIG Story—50 Old Testament and 50 New Testament.

Courses offered in the latter weeks of June each year at the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism, near Harrisburg, PA. One week per course, but you can attend the Old Testament this year and the New Testament course the next year.

Guaranteed to give you confidence in teaching the Bible to your own kids or grandkids. Junior highers and senior highers (even well-behaved older elementary kids) can attend with you.

Amazing Story of a Grandmother in Hospice Care Who Used Good Soil Resources with Her Grandkids

Hope, Even in Hospice

A Grandmother Shares God’s Story of Hope as She Faces Death - As I’m currently in hospice care, it is vitally important to me that my grandchildren, other family members and friends, and hospice care workers know about heaven and how to go there. Here’s my story:


As I'm currently in hospice care, it is vitally important to me that my grandchildren, other family members and friends, and hospice care workers know about heaven and how to go there. Here's my story: I was a healthy, young lady with two kids, ages nine and four, in 1988. I went through what was supposed to be a minor surgery to correct a mild gastro-intestinal problem. I came out with a life-altering complication which impacted my ability to ever function normally again.

During the minor procedure, the surgeon damaged my vagus nerve, a major nerve which controls many of the body's involuntary functions. The minor GI symptoms I went into the surgery to correct became so severe that I would never be able to survive on oral food again. I was diagnosed with a condition known as gastroparesis. Gastroparesis literally means stomach paralysis. My stomach lost the ability to move food through the digestive tract. This resulted in chronic and debilitating nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, malnutrition, dehydration, and additional complications over the years.

I have spent the last 30 years of my life receiving all my nutrition through feeding tubes or IV nutrition, and have encountered hundreds of complications which should have taken my life. As a Christian since childhood, I have never feared death, but I also have a love for life and believe it's worth fighting for.

Several years ago, I reached a point where it became clear my condition was terminal. I started developing problems that my doctors couldn't treat because in my weakened state the treatments would kill me. Knowing this, I began the process of entering hospice to help manage my pain and other symptoms as comfortably as possible for the remaining time I have left. As this process was beginning, I received a copy of Reflections from God's Story of Hope as a gift to bring comfort to me during this time. It has done far more than that. This coffee table book impacted me so much that I ordered more for my family through the Good Soil Evangelism and Discipleship website. I discovered even more resources there that I felt would offer me great opportunities to reach out to those around me. I purchased a copy for each of my grown children, some music for my grandchildren, and the study guide book for parents.

On July 1, 2016, my 60th birthday, my two older grandchildren, Emmalyn, 6, and Blake, 5, joined me in my hospital bed. I told them we needed to discuss something serious. I wanted to be able to talk to them about my death without breaking down. The Story of Hope allowed me to do that. In about 30 minutes, I took them through The Story of Hope. They were mesmerized by the illustration of Heaven, and it opened a great opportunity to talk to them comfortably. I asked them if they knew that I would be going to heaven after death. They said they did. I made sure they understood that I wouldn't be able to come back, but someday they could come to me. They said they understood that too. I immediately felt as if a big load was lifted off me.

A little while later my oldest grandchild, Emmalyn, came to me and said "I just had a dream! I know what Heaven looks like and it's Beautiful!" Although my initial goal was to comfort my grandchildren by helping them understand I was going to be OK, in the end they comforted me instead by assuring me that they were going to be OK too. Since then, the entire family has experienced so much peace and comfort as my time on earth nears the end.

On Christmas Eve, 2016, Emmalyn came home from church and said "MawMaw, I'm a Christian! I went to church and became a Christian and I know I'll get to see you!" Knowing that she believes and realizes we will be together again someday makes this process so much easier. The Story of Hope has been critical in easing the difficulty of talking to my grandchildren in a way which they can understand and accept.

Over the past year as my hospice staff has been caring for me, I have been handing out signed copies of Reflections to them. Although they are still not attending church, they have commented on how beautiful the images are and how easy it is to understand. It has planted some seeds that I hope will grow even beyond my time. I still read Reflections regularly and continue to hand it out to anyone I encounter. It is a beautiful, beautiful book. It has been a blessing - a total blessing. It has made this a whole lot easier for my family. The kids understand what is happening.

—Sherri Milburn

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More Good Soil Resources for Evangelism and Discipleship

Good Soil provides an entire toolbox of resources for ministry with your kids or grandkids.

For a complete overview of our Good Soil resources:

Good Soil Stories from Parents and Grandparents

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