Annual Training Schedule

  • Tuesday - Thursday

    Good Soil Basic: Learn to use the Good Soil evangelism and discipleship scale, the worldview onion peeling model, how to use The Story of Hope and The Way to Joy (and other similar resources), and much more.
    Hooks for Hanging OT/NT Storylines: These “Hooks” segments are designed to help you teach participants to grasp an overview of the Old Testament and the New Testament in two one-hour sessions. Learn More
    BibleStorying: Learn not only how to tell Bible stories effectively, but also how to learn them without memorizing!
    Good Soil Trainer Certification: Learn and become certified to lead basic Good Soil E&D seminars in your church and gain access to all of the necessary documents and files needed to present the seminar.

    Includes lunch, snacks, and instructional resources.

  • Friday

    REGISTER FOR FRIDAY'S: Gaining Ground as a TRULY Evangelistic Church

    While you are in Harrisburg for the Good Soil training event, consider adding one more day to your experience and take the Gaining Ground as a Truly Evangelistic Church training.

    This one-day seminar will help you discover and implement the essentials to leading a church to become TRULY evangelistic, not merely evangelical. This one-day training event is the result of the collaboration of four members of the Good Soil Team with a total of approximately 150 years of missionary, pastoral, and leadership training experience in the Europe, North, and South America.

    Includes lunch, snacks, and instructional resources.

    Learn more.

  • Tuesday - Thursday

    Good Soil Basic: Learn to use the Good Soil evangelism and discipleship scale, the worldview onion peeling model, how to use The Story of Hope and The Way to Joy (and other similar resources), and much more.
    Hooks for Hanging OT/NT Storylines: These “Hooks” segments are designed to help you teach participants to grasp an overview of the Old Testament and the New Testament in two one-hour sessions. Learn More
    BibleStorying: Learn how to tell Bible stories effectively so that you can… Use Bible stories to reach children and adults too. Use Bible stories to reach postmodern AND tribal people. Enhance your preaching and Bible teaching.
    Good Soil Trainer Certification: Learn and become certified to lead basic Good Soil E&D seminars in your church and gain access to all of the necessary documents and files needed to present the seminar.

    Includes lunch, snacks, and instructional resources.

  • Friday

    REGISTER FOR FRIDAY'S: Moving Beyond Lecture

    While you are in Harrisburg for the Good Soil training event, consider adding one more day to your experience and take Moving Beyond Lecture to develop your interactive learning and training skills. Discover a six-step process for designing presentations and training sessions that consistently engage participants.

    Includes lunch, snacks, and instructional resources.

    Learn More

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