What is a License Agreement?
In this section we want to zoom in and focus specifically on your translation.

As with any good relationship, clear communication and realistic expectations are key! It's because we deeply value our relationship with you that we are striving to communicate clearly and set expectations that take into account the unique ministry you represent.
Good Soil exists to help people clearly understand, genuinely embrace and firmly hold onto the gospel. We strive to do this through excellent resources and engaging training. Thank you for choosing to use these tools in your ministry!

What are "the pieces" on the table that need to be put in place?
The following agreement (next section) stems from an effort to be good stewards of the resources God has given us, and to maintain a relationship of team work and trust with you. We are asking that as a primary translation contact, you read and sign a Good Soil License Agreement.
A License Agreement can be an intimidating, legal-ese document. We get that :)
But, please hear us when we reiterate, that we are on the same team and want to do everything we can to encourage and equip you with good tools for effective ministry in the part of the world God has called you to minister.
Prior to having you read the actual License Agreement, here is a quick list of key "pieces" to look for throughout the document. Basically, what we will do / what we are asking of you:

Note: Just in case your internet won't allow for easy download of images, here is that same list in text form:
Good Soil has committed to providing you with:
- Excellent E&D resources
- Engaging E&D training
- Good Soil trainers for training events
- Translation assistance: From concept to completion
- Web presence for your translated resource(s) - both on Good Soil's website and Amazon USA and Canada
- Continued resource and training development
Good Soil is asking that as a primary translation contact, you commit to:
- Read and sign the following license agreement
- Send in updates twice a year, responding to questions regarding:
- Next training event
- Next printing
- Story (or stories) of a life changed through using a Good Soil resource
- How we can help
- Send in fees (as applies)
- Send resource(s) to Good Soil for review 1 month prior to any printing
- Renew agreement as desired