What Goes On The Cover?
Here is where this section is headed: Amazon Storefront, Barcodes and Cover Designs.

In many parts of the world Amazon has become the go-to for books (and everything else!). Amazon is certainly the undisputed leader in print and e-book sales. With this in mind...
We have made available on Amazon 40+ Good Soil resources representing over 10 languages. While GoodSoil.com will remain the primary platform for promoting materials, making them available on Amazon is a great way to introduce these E&D tools to people who may have never heard of Good Soil.
Just for fun, ever wonder how Amazon got its name?
ISBNs and Barcodes
An important caveat is that all books listed on Amazon need ISBNs and barcodes.
What is an ISBN? A 13 digit International Standard Book Number.
What is a Barcode? A machine-readable code in the form of numbers and a pattern of parallel lines of varying widths, printed on and identifying a product.
Having these pieces of information on the cover of each resource enables them to be sold through other organizations, such as Amazon.

Information Pieces on a Cover:
1. Both covers are shown translated (on the back cover). When a new translation is done, it's primarily TSOH that is translated first. Even though TWTJ may not yet be available, we go ahead and place both translated covers on the back.
2. Either the Good Soil logo or the Sow and Harvest logo is used on the back above the translation e-mail and website.
3. The resource barcode (which includes the ISBN).
Choosing a Cover Design

For those of you who are currently working on a translation project for either TSOH or TWTJ, here are the covers that you have the option of using. While the sunburst and river are the newest designs, we have had several people prefer to use the shepherd and bridge instead. In considering which cover, it's important to think about what would be best received by your target language group.

New Workbook Format
Something that is very new is the workbook format and coil binding for both TSOH and TWTJ. Additionally, both these resources have been expanded to 64 pages - placing one story event on a page. We've found this to be a much more user-friendly approach.
- Look inside TSOH
- Look inside TWTJ